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Radiobiology of MRT European Working Group

7-8th of April 2025
3rd International Workshop on Radiobiology of Molecular Radiotherapy
For additional information, please visit the workshop website:
General radiobiology
DNA damage response
Systems biology
Biology-driven dosimetry
Immune response
Combination treatment
Clinical implementation
Confirmed speakers
Prof. Dr. Marika Nestor, Upsala University, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Sandra Heskamp, Radboudumc Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Dr. Marie-Catherine Vozenin, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr. Edward O'Neill, University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Robin de Kruijff, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Dr. Mark Gaze, University College London, UK
Dr. Mark Konijnenberg, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Organized by Julie Nonnekens (Erasmus MC), Bart Cornelissen (UMCG) and Jasperina Erades (Erasmus MC)
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